SL 4128410 connector kit for PIKO Ball Bearing Power Pickup Wheels
Designed for PIKO power pickup ball bearing wheel sets, for LGB power pickup ball bearing wheel sets use our SL 4127511 connectors.
PIKO does not supply connectors for its ball bearing wheels so order the SL-4128410 kit for PIKO or for LGB power pickup ball bearing wheels order our SL-4128411 power pickup set, both that come with 4 each connectors and heat shrink tubes for waterproof connections.

4 each Phosphor Bronze plated 1 amp connectors and heat shrink tubing come with each kit

Kit includes heat shrink tubing for weatherproofing connectors, wire is not included with the kit. For assembled cables and connectors see below.
SL-4127411 Slide on 4 Connector kit for 2 ea LGB Ball Bearing Power Pickup Axles (no wire - assemble req.)
SL-4128410 Slide on 4 Connector kit for 2 ea PIKO Ball Bearing Power Pickup Axles (no wire - assemble req.)
Shourt Line Direct Discount Price: $5.95 NEW
Factory sealed from
For questions or details on this or any of our products Call 310-622-4431 or email
Connector set for two axles of ball bearing power pickup wheels by LGB or PIKO.
Power connectors are not supplied by PIKO and must be purchased separately.
- For Indoor or Outdoor operation
- 4 each Phosphor Bronze connectors
- High reliability rated over 10,000 connect/disconnect cycles
- Rated at 1 amp at 24 volts AC, DC or DCC
- Low cost
- Easy Install in minutes
- G Scale Ball Bearing power pin diameter for PIKO SL-4128410 or LGB SL-4127411 ball bearing wheel types
- Phosphor Bronze Plated
- 1 amp current transfer
- Rated over 24 volts AC, DC or DCC
- Crimp or solder installation on 30 to 22 AWG cable
Optional Equipment (not included with connector kit)
- Shourt Line SL 4128510 $9.95 pre-wired cable connector set for : Installs in seconds and comes with 18 inch power cables and phosphor bronze 1 amp power connectors rated for over 10,000 insertion cycles. Includes a free spring loaded terminal block for a tool free connection.

Shourt Line SL-4128510 for PIKO or SL-4127511 for LGB ball bearing wheel power pickup cable with connector set as shown above: 18in 24AWG
2 conductor micro black cable with connectors and heat
shrink weather proofing.

The SL power pickups slide onto the power pins and connectors are rated at 1 amp via phosphor bronze contacts and weather proof heat shrink tubing.

The SL-4128510 power pickup connectors fit the smaller diameter of PIKO pins, while the SL-4127511 have a larger diameter that fit LGB pins .

The SL 4128510 set installs in seconds and connectors easily fit thru holes in the car floor.
- Shourt Line SL 4128440 connector kit: Requires crimping or soldering wiring and comes with hear shrink tube for weather proofing, made from brass and rated at 6 amps of current. For PIKO power pickup ball bearing axles..

Requires crimping or soldering wiring and rated at 6 amps of current.

Install wiring (not included) prior to installing on PIKO wheel set by removing screw and placing the screw thru the connector eyelet and tighten.

Use wire of your choice from 18 to 26 AWG size. Shourt Line Micro 24 AWG black micro cable is recommended.
- Shourt Line SL 4128520 $19.95 pre-wired cable brass connector set:
- 18 inch two conductor 24 AWG black micro power cable
- 2 each SL 4128440 brass 6 amp eye socket power connectors soldered to power cable
- 2 each heat shrink tubes sealed on the connector and micro cable for a weather proof assembly.

Installs in seconds on PIKO Ball Bearing Wheels for indoor or outdoor use

Easy install; remove screws, insert into brass eyelets and replace on axle, connect 18 inch power cable to lighting or sound system
- Shourt Line Complete 4 LED Lighting Set for high efficiency lighting with analog and/or MTS/DCC systems
Consisting of the following items:
- SL 8104230 4 LED drop ceiling lighting for LGB 2 axle cars DC&DCC SL requires SL 8453003 LED controller
- SL 8453003 Precision Train Throttle & LED controller AC,DC or DCC - solder connections
- SL 6111047 4,700uF Anti-flicker Buffer 2 wire 18 inch micro power cable for SL LED controllers
- SL 4128510 PIKO BB wheel power cable connector set: 18in 24AWG 2 conductor micro black cable with connectors and heat shrink weather proofing $9.95
- 1/2 PIKO 36167 BB Metal Wheelsets w/Pickups, 30mm, 2 Pcs $16.79

Note, additional 4 LED boards or up to 200 more LEDs may added to the LED controller/buffer/power pickup wheel set above.
For analog train power, use our new low cost Gold Cap Super Capacitor buffer for over 4 minutes of full lighting per 4 LED board without any track power. This allows 2 min. for 8 LEDs, 1 min. for 16 LEDs or 30 seconds power for 32 LEDs which allows a 4 car passenger train with 4 LEDs in each car to have full lighting without any track power.
Power connectors are no supplied by PIKO and must be purchased separately. See above for connectors and cabling options.

The PIKO ball bearing power pickup wheels work with either 4 axle or 2 axle LGB/PIKO or other G scale cars. Photos shows the SL 4128510 PIKO BB wheel power cable connector set .

SL 4128410 LGB/PIKO BB wheel power connector kit: 4 socket (F), 4
heat shrink tubes $4.85

Use Shourt Line Micro Black Cable for wiring the connectors. Use a crimp tool or hand crimp with pliers/solder and seal with included heat shrink tubing.
Note the two sets of crimps on each connector, the outer crimp for cable insulator and the inner crimp for the bare wire connection as shownn below.

Kit includes heat shrink tubing for weatherproofing connector.

This photo shows the connectors installed on PIKO ball bearing power pickup wheels (not included with kit) using Shourt Line Micro Power Black Cable (not included in the kit) on a G scale car (not included with kit).

Use with PIKO shown above or LGB ball bearing power pickup wheels (not included with kit) for lighting two multi car trains or two separate cars when using Shourt Line LED car lighting products.

The kit provides reliable power connection for either the LGB or PIKO ball bearing wheel sets.
For questions Call 310-622-4431 or emal
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